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Permanganate index water quality online automatic monitor

Permanganate index water quality online automatic monitorMODEL 9811

Product Description

MODEL 9811 Permanganate Index Water Quality Online Automatic Monitor has an instrument suitability test report issued by the Environmental Monitoring Instrument Quality Supervision and Inspection Center and a CCEP certificate issued by the Central Environmental Protection Association Certification Center. The monitor uses the permanganate oxidation method and complies with the relevant provisions of the "HJ/T100-2003 Technical Requirements for Automatic Permanganate Water Quality Analyzers" standard. At the same time, it can resist the interference of turbidity factors in the water body and ensure the accuracy of test results.

Application Scope

Surface water, drinking water.


Works automatically after power outage is restored;

Low waste liquid volume and low operating costs;

Oil bath heating + syringe pump precise titration + ORP to determine the titration end point to ensure accurate, stable and reliable data;

The instrument has automatic cleaning and automatic calibration functions;

Most of the instrument components are imported, with low failure rate and high reliability;

Automatic prompts and automatic reset functions for malfunctions and lack of reagents (samples);

Innovative multi-valve island sampling system ensures accurate and efficient sampling;

Support remote control, measurement, calibration, cleaning, fault confirmation, etc.;

The instrument has multiple measurement modes, including controlled, fixed-point, periodic, continuous and manual measurement modes;

It has reverse control function, and the instrument functions can be controlled through remote central control, making it easy to operate.

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